Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Balancing the Moon

Students are studying contrast (the relationship between light and dark) and composition (dominance in design) in art classes.  The term used to describe light, gray and dark tones is called value.  All are learning that contrast and value can be both colorful and non-colorful (white, gray and black are "neutral" colors).  Tones that have color are called chromatic and tones with neutrals are called achromatic, meaning having no color.  Students are also investigating the relationship of value to other art elements line, shape, color and texture.  

Questions students are thinking about are:

Can two dimensional lines and patterns show value?  How does the contrast of light and dark colors create mood in a work of art?  How does symmetry produce spatial unity in a composition?  How can value be demonstrated using different media?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Energized and Inspired

When preparing for school-wide events I like to think of materials that are accessible to all and that students can create with independently.  (After modeling craftsmanship techniques.)  I also select materials that give the most visual impact and teach children how to be confident in their abilities.

Fiber Arts is a great example of a medium that inspires students to start working quickly,  shows results immediately, and provides enough complexity to allow for individual exploration.  Children are naturally attracted to fiber arts because of the tactile qualities, and small "dry felting" projects can be completed in one or two class sessions.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

THANK YOU Pumpkin Helpers!

The 12th Annual Pumpkin Walk at Hazen Trails was a big success!!!  Students in grades K-6 designed over 300 pumpkins with the help of many volunteers from the community, and the warm evening weather was a special treat for the event.

THANK YOU to all who helped behind the scenes, in the art studio, and on the trails!  Here is a sampling of the joy that was experienced by all.

Community Dinner Art Installation

Students in grades K - 6 are  are working on a school wide collaborative Art Installation project for the Annual Harvest Dinner to be held next Tuesday, October 20th.  Artwork will be displayed on each table as centerpieces.  

The subject matter of Insects was chosen to connect with the first Four Winds theme presented in each class by parent and community volunteers in the month of September. Kindergarteners are creating 3-D "Black Ants", First and Second Graders are making "Felted Butterflies", Grades 3 through 5 are designing a "Felted Insect" of their choice, and 6th Grade Artists are "Felting Sunflowers".

Here is what we are thinking about in the Art Studio:

  • Artists are thinkers who communicate their ideas visually.
  • Can art inspire a positive school culture and community?  
  • How do artists make art meaningful for themselves and others?